Wednesday, November 4, 2009

And then there was no sleep

Ok so... the little boys are right around the corner from being 8 months old. It is such a fun age, they are almost crawling (got the army crawl down pat), laughing and cooing all the time, starting to interact with Aiden..... there is just one catch -- WHEN WILL I GET SOME SLEEP???!!!!!!

I won't be naive and say that I expect babies to magically become amazing sleepers by 2 months of age, but I don't think its wholly unrealistic for me to be expecting a LITTLE more sleep by now. Apparently we were severely spoiled by Aiden who started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks old. So if he is the "abnormal" one... what is normal? Because if one more person tells me "Oh, 7 months isn't too bad, they'll sleep eventually," I may just snap and start throwing my kids' toys at them. (Mature isn't it?) Add to the mix that there are TWO non-sleeping babies on different sleep schedules and you've got one fun night ahead of you. I would dare any one of those know-it-alls to come spend a night in my house.

So as I sit at work wondering how I am even functioning on a combined total of 4 hours of broken sleep from the previous night, I contemplate crawling under my desk for a quick siesta. I envy those of you who can drink coffee because I just can't bring myself to do it and instead rely on good old Coca Cola for a temporary pick-me-up and guaranteed energy crash shortly thereafter. I am starting to consider a pillow, soft blanket and alarm clock to be a must-have in the Explorer so that I can spend my lunch break sleeping in the back.

I know they are only babies once, and perhaps I will look back in a few years and consider these the "easier" days... but until then I will walk around like a zombie and OD on some caffeine. On the upside... these are the faces I get to go home to every day, life isn't all THAT bad! :)

Friday, October 30, 2009

And so it begins....

I have given in to blogging... and it feels good! So many people I know are bloggers and I thought, I certainly have nothing of interest to blog about. And then I realized, I have 3 boys... I have PLENTY to blog about! So I decided to give it a whirl... although I find myself concerned that maybe blogging is reserved for the grammatically perfect that tell stories with such imagination and creativity.

That being said, I begin my blogging and hope that any who read will enjoy a glimpse into my life as a McGovern. :)